Switching Diodes
A switching diode is a two terminal PN junction, often used in electronic systems to manage small voltages.Switching DiodeA Switching Diode is commonly referred to as a “Signal Diode”, it is a semiconductor that can be used to switch signals or act as a rectifier at low voltages.Within a circuit they can provide similar functionality to a physical switch, with the on/off state governed by the direction of the current flow. When there is forward current in the circuit (forward-bias), the switching diode effectively is a closed switch with low resistance, allowing current to flow. If the current of the circuit is reversed (reverse bias), the switching diode provides high resistance, preventing current flow up to a specified threshold.Where are Switching Diodes used?A switching diode can be used in low voltage applications that require fast switching and a high speed rectification. A diode can also be used as a circuit protection device to prevent reverse current damaging a device upstream of the switching diode, such as microcontroller.
Diodes Inc Switching Diode BAS16-7-F
VND202,966.72Pack (1 Pack of 200) -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 2-Pin SOD-523 1N4148WT-7
VND140,426.88Pack (1 Pack of 50) -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 2-Pin SOD-523 1N4148WT-7
VND2,456,319.36Reel (1 Reel of 3000) -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 300mA 100V, 2-Pin SOD-123 1N4148W-13-F
VND0.00 -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 300mA 100V, 2-Pin SOD-123 1N4148W-13-F
VND424,158.24Pack (1 Pack of 250) -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 3A 100V, 2-Pin SMC RS3B-13-F
VND0.00 -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 3A 100V, 2-Pin SMC RS3B-13-F
VND296,392.80Reel (1 Reel of 25) -
Diodes Inc Switching Diode, 5A 400V, 2-Pin SMC S5GC-13-F
VND97,071.04Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
IXYS 1200V 10A, Silicon Junction Diode, 2-Pin TO-220AC DSEP8-12A
VND0.00 -
IXYS 1200V 10A, Silicon Junction Diode, 2-Pin TO-220AC DSEP8-12A
VND61,772.48 -
Nexperia Dual Switching Diode, Common Anode, 215mA, 3-Pin SOT-23 (TO-236AB) BAW56,215
VND270,686.24Reel (1 Reel of 200) -
ON Semiconductor Switching Diode, 2-Pin DO-41 1N4001G
VND0.00 -
ON Semiconductor Switching Diode, 2-Pin DO-41 1N4001G
VND325,744.32Pack (1 Pack of 50) -
ON Semiconductor Switching Diode, 2-Pin DO-41 1N4004G
VND268,576.00Pack (1 Pack of 50) -
onsemi Diode, 2-Pin DO-201AD 1N5400G
VND0.00 -
onsemi Diode, 2-Pin DO-201AD 1N5400G
VND70,021.60Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
onsemi Diode, 2-Pin DO-201AD 1N5408G
VND0.00 -
onsemi Diode, 2-Pin DO-201AD 1N5408G
VND82,683.04Pack (1 Pack of 10) -
onsemi Switching Diode, 1A 600V, 2-Pin DO-214AC S1J
VND334,185.28Pack (1 Pack of 100) -
onsemi Switching Diode, 2-Pin DO-41 1N4006RLG
VND0.00 -
onsemi Switching Diode, 2-Pin DO-41 1N4006RLG
VND214,093.44Pack (1 Pack of 100) -
onsemi Switching Diode, 300mA 100V, 2-Pin DO-35 1N4148
VND864,814.72Box (1 Box of 2000) -
ROHM 90V 225mA, Diode, 2-Pin EMD, SC-79, SOD-523 1SS400SMT2R
VND0.00 -
ROHM 90V 225mA, Diode, 2-Pin EMD, SC-79, SOD-523 1SS400SMT2R
VND535,809.12Reel (1 Reel of 250)